The management of the Local Steering Committee (LSC) for ‘Improvement of water supply and sanitation services (WSS) in Pascauti, Damascani, Proscureni, Galaseni, Malaiesti and Hiliuti localitites from Riscani rayon’ project was confirmed on Thursday, 3 May at Riscani Rayon Council. The meeting of LSC members was organised in cooperation with ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ (MLPS) project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.

Members of the Committee confirmed the LSC management and appointed new members. Thus, the vice-president of Riscani rayon, Zinaida Tcaci has been confirmed as chair of LSC;  Ion Costetchi, Head of Section for construction, utilities and roads from Riscani Rayon Council as deputy chair and  Ana Pintea, specialist from the Section for construction, utilities and roads was appointed secretary of LSC. In total, the Committee has 15 members, the majority of which are local public authorities from rural localities targeted by the project.

At the meeting the obligations of local project managers and monitoring reports of the project were presented.  Also, the members of the Committee examined and approved unanimously the operating rules of LSCs.

Director of North RDA, Vitalii Povonschii, as designated member of LSC mentioned that the Committee will serve as platform for a better cooperation between main stakeholders in the implementation of the project in particular and of the regional development policy in general.

In her turn, Valentina Plesca, MLPS/GIZ Senior National Advisor in local public services mentioned the provisions of the Memorandum of Understanding for the implementation of measures to modernize local public services in the WSS sector for Riscani rayon. In this context, the GIZ representatives pointed out that LSC will provide solutions for any issue appearing during project implementation and will give more ownership to involved parties at local level.

As a result of project implementation, in six villages from Riscani rayon 19.6 km of drinking water distribution networks will be built, as well as 40 km of sewage networks.  Also, a 26 km long main water pipeline will be constructed. Additionally, as part of WSS project from the six villages the following facilities will be constructed: 3 waste water treatment plants, 1 drinking water treatment plant and a pumping station for 28 localities from Riscani rayon.  

The estimated value of the WSS project from Riscani rayon is EUR 3.5 million provided by the European Union via the MLPS project

The project ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ (MLPS) is implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and is financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union, the Romanian Government, the Swedish Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).