During 6 – 7 August 2015, 17 specialists in business support services of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) attended a theoretical and practical course in public procurement, which was organized by CCI in partnership with German Development Cooperation through GIZ under the ‘Modernization of local public services’ project, through Pilot Regional Development Programme of the European Union. The goal of the event was to train CCI specialists in public procurement in order for them subsequently to advise entrepreneurs in the region.

The seminar was moderated and facilitated by the national expert Ecaterina Grib. The event focused on aspects of the legislation in force, the preparation and contract procedure, conditions for amending the contract and its execution, and the association of economic operators.

Eudochia Cucos, consultant of CCI Balti: ‘the open nature of discussions, information on legal aspects of  public procurement and the approach of implementation methodology in procurement, helped me to better understand some details related to this area’.

Dorin Rojnevschi, consultant of CCI Chisinau: ‘I believe that conducting such trainings in public procurement is a highly necessary activity to strengthen economic agents’ knowledge in procurement, legislation and regulations in the area. Due to these seminars, we will help both economic agents and public authorities, particularly in verification of procurement documents‘.

Tatiana Bilba, representative of GIZ, said that business people need support in the field, especially in preparing the package of documents for participation in public tenders. ‘Previously GIZ organized several such events for local businesses. Following these events, there were identified several challenges and problems facing enterprises, one of which is, for example, incorrect preparation of document packages and uncompetitive offers as a result. Another aspect is that economic operators benefit from reduced support in public procurement process, having at their disposal only the legal framework regulating the field, which is insufficient. They need practical advice and examples’, said Tatiana Bilba.

In October, information and training seminars are expected to be organized for economic operators from the region.

The project ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’ is implemented by German Development Cooperation through GIZ and is financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the European Union.