On 30 March 2015, in Leova town was held a working meeting on the organization of the Feasibility Study (FS) development process within the project related to the improvement of sanitation services for Leova rayon, one of the Possible Project Concepts approved by the inter-ministerial commission and presented within the workshop no. 7 of 19 March 2015. The project’s concept provides improved sanitation services for Leova town and Hănăsenii Noi, Filipeni and Romanovca villages.

The meeting was attended by representatives of Local Public Authorities (LPAs) Level I of the localities involved in the Possible Project Concept, LPA level II of Leova rayon, GIZ (German Development Cooperation) experts and advisors and South Regional Development Agency specialist (South RDA).                 

During the meeting there was discussed the organizational process related to FS development, to be completed by the end of this year. The purpose of the meeting was focused on three main points:

1. analysis of the current situation in the sanitation system of the localities concerned;

2. collection of data with technical aspect from questionnaires, data needed to develop the FS;

3. GIZ experts working visit to the headquarters of ME ‘Apa Canal’ Leova.

The participants in the meeting discussed on the creation of the project’s working group in order to facilitate the process of developing the feasibility study. The President of the rayon, Efrosinia Greţu, drew attention to the fact that it requires Local Council Decision of localities included in the project on the delegation of water supply and sanitation service to the regional operator ME ‘Apa Canal’ Leova.

After the meeting, GIZ experts undertook a working visit to the headquarters of ME ‘Apa Canal’ Leova, where they studied the water supply and sanitation system map of Leova town and discussed on the expansion area of Leova town.