In Soldanesti was held the founding meeting of the Local Steering Committee (LSC) of Modernization of Local Public Services project (MLPS) in Solid Waste Management (SWM) sector in Soldanesti and Rezina Rayons within the Centre Region.

The meeting was attended by Sergiu Cecan, head of Relations with regional development institutions Department of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Svetlana Bolocan, representative of the Ministry of Environment, Eduard Ungureanu, Head of Project management Section within the Centre RDA, representatives of LPA Level I and II, representatives of Soldanesti Ecological Inspectorate, Public Health Centre, Soldanesti Police Inspectorate, JSC Sanitation Soldanesti, German Development Cooperation through GIZ and NGO from Rezina Rayon.

During the meeting there was presented the MLPS project in SWM sector for Soldanesti and Rezina Rayons, and based on the Memorandum of Understanding approved on 16 December 2014, the signatory parties discussed the operational plan for implementing the pilot project ‘Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Soldanesti and Rezina Rayons’.

According to the LSC regulation, there were elected the following:  the president of LSC – Soldanesti Rayon president, Alexandru Relitchi, deputy president of LSC – mayor of Parcani village, Soldanesti rayon, Valeriu Lopaci and secretary of LSC – Mrs Aliona Tinica, manager of the project ‘Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Soldanesti and Rezina rayons’.

At the same time, the members of the Committee examined and approved the LSC Activity Regulation.

Those present agreed on the next meeting at the end of the first quarter of 2015, in order to present the activity report of the pilot project ‘Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Soldanesti and Rezina rayons’.