The working group meeting was held for public procurement in ‘Rehabilitation of the Drinking Water Purification Plant in Cahul town’ and ‘Sewerage system construction in Rosu village’ projects, funded by GIZ.

The event was attended by South RDA specialists headed by the director of the Agency, Maria Culeşov, the representative of the Minister of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), representatives of the German Development Cooperation through GIZ and the project beneficiaries.

The members of the working group (WG) discussed on the eligibility criteria for selecting the economic operators who will participate in the public tender, studied in detail the tender documents and approved the tender book.

It follows the launch of the public procurement procedure and the date will be determined by the Public Procurement Agency.

We reiterate that the total amount of the project ‘Rehabilitation of the Drinking Water Purification Plant in Cahul town’ is 7921.00, the total amount of the project ‘Sewerage system construction in Rosu village’ is 12,816.00, both funded by GIZ and implemented by the South Regional Development Agency.