The working group for public procurement in the field of rehabilitation and extension of water supply and sewage systems, established with South RDA has approved recently several adjustments as to the development of the project documentation, part of the detailed technical design for the improvement of water supply services in Iargara, Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui localities from Leova rayon.  

The adjustments were needed according to South RDA specialists and recommendations of design company ‘Fluxproiect’ SRL for appropriate sizing of the entire water supply system from Iargara town with the future connection of Baius, Cociulia Noua, Borogani, Meseni, Tigheci, Cuporani localities and wine producing factory from the mentioned locality.  

Thus, following the harmonization of project documentation, part of the detailed technical design for the improvement of water supply services in Iargara, Filipeni, Romanovca and Cupcui localities from Leova rayon it is provided that Iargara town will be supplied with water from two existing water tanks with a 700 m3 volume each. From there the water will be distributed by gravity via two pipes of the water supply and firefighting system of low pressure on which hydrants and manholes are installed.  

Also, in order to ensure the water quality criteria for the consumers in Iargara town according to GD no. 934 din 15.08.2007 regarding the creation of the automated information system ‘State registry of natural mineral, drinking water and bottled non-alcoholic beverages’, in front of the existing water tanks, disinfection with natrium hypochlorite will be provided.

Additionally, the project documentation foresees the connection of consumers from the above mentioned locality to the planned water distribution networks up to the boundary of the property.   

In case of Filipeni village, it is foreseen that its population will get water from two existing water tanks with a 200m3 volume each and the inhabitants from Romanovca and Cupcui will be supplied with water from two existing water tanks with a 50m3 volume each.

As a result of the adjustments made, the project documentation will, also, provide for planning of water pipeline for Sarata Noua and Cluster C localities in two lines: one pipe will be sized for 1/3 of the maximum flow and the second – for 2/3.    

Further, the South Regional Development Agency together with the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ (MLPS) project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ will organise a working meeting with the mayors of localities with interests related to the development of detailed technical design concerned.