Local public authorities (LPAs) in North Development Region (NDR) gathered in a public consultation meeting to discuss the regional sector programme (RSP) on regional and local roads (RLR), a strategic document to be approved at the meeting of the North Regional Council (North RDC) on 3 April 2015.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure (MTRI), experts from ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in Moldova’ (MLPS) project, implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ , specialists from the North Regional Development Agency (North RDA) and representatives of LPA levels I and II.

At the opening of the public consultation session, the Director of North RDA, Ion Bodrug, appreciated the active involvement of the regional working group members in the development of RSP on RLR, a document which, in the future, may open the way to European funds. ‘We are now at the stage of public consultations, after which the strategic document has to be approved by the members of North Regional Development Council. To achieve improvement of road infrastructure projects with regional impact, we need a well thought strategic document‘ said the Director of North RDA.

Ina Gortolomei, who represented the MRDC, said the RSP on RLR is designed according to current national development documents, providing solutions in terms of improving road infrastructure in NDR.

MLPS representatives, David Toft and Stela Corobceanu, referred to the role of the strategic document put into question today for the NDR, presenting a retrospective of the two stages of development of RSP. At the same time, Maria Prisacari, specialist in strategic planning and programming at North RDA, outlined the structure and objectives of RSP project on RLR infrastructure. The presentation was followed by a panel discussion.

The today’s public consultation meeting was preceded by 4 workshops held at the NDR, which underlay the development of the strategic document and whose main outcome are project sheets ready to be used to apply for European funds and be submitted to interested donors.

So far, North RDC approved three RSP on Solid waste management (SWM), energy efficiency in public buildings (EE) and water supply and sanitation.

All regional sector planning activities were held with the financial support of the European Union provided under the MLPS project managed by GIZ. The project aims to improve local public services in villages and towns in the Republic of Moldova. The main beneficiary of the project are the MRDC, the RDAs and RDCs, as well as communities in the country’s development regions.