On 3 September 2015, the management of the Academy of Public Administration (APA) met with representatives of the German Development Cooperation through GIZ and members of the mission of the German Embassy in the Republic of Moldova.

During the meeting there were discussed the achievements and prospects of cooperation between institutions. Thus, since 2012, APA, in partnership with GIZ and the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), conducted a series of activities directed at developing the capacity of local public administration authorities of level I and II by developing and implementing training programs on regional development, strategic planning, project development, leadership development. During the reporting period were conducted 29 courses for professional development for 604 officials from local public administration authorities and locally elected representatives.

However, APA leadership appreciated the support of development partners in strengthening institution’s capacity; among the activities listed we can mention the following:

    • Organization of trainings for staff and teaching staff of the APA (in communication and motivation, teaching techniques, leadership etc);
    • Organization of study visits both for participants in professional development courses (in the country) and for APA collaborators abroad (Romania, Germany – Berlin, Bautzen, Munich, etc.);
    • Organization of English language courses for 19 teachers;
    • Providing APA facilities with modern equipment.

Special attention during the meeting was paid to prospects of cooperation which provide: adjustment of the existing ‘Public Procurement’ course with the module ‘Management of conflict of interest in public procurement process’; adjustment of the existing ‘Management of public property’ course with case studies and examples of projects funded from the NFRD, and initiation of a new course ‘Local and regional marketing for a more sustainable regional development’.
Andrei Groza, prime-prorector, PhD, associate professor of APA said that the institution he leads ‘is grateful to the German Government for the provided assistance during these three years of collaboration and I am confident that the results of the courses implemented during this period are increasingly evident at local and regional level’.

At the same time, starting with 1 September 2015, the Academy of Public Administration (APA) benefits from consulting services of the Professor Thomas Schmitz, professional development expert, who was hired through the Centre for International Migration and Development (CIM). Expert’s mission is to contribute to the evaluation and modernization of existing curricula, promotion of international cooperation, identification of research activities in the relevant areas for public administration, offering courses in the areas of rule of law, human rights and the impact of international standards on public administration.

CIM represents GIZ tool for promoting human resources within German development cooperation. CIM assistance mechanism has proved effective in 75 states, where are deployed over 800 senior experts.

APA is the partner of ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’ project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, and receives technical support within this project.

The project ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’ is implemented by German Development Cooperation through GIZ and is financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the European Union.