Members of Parliament from the Environment and Regional Development Commission and advisors of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova are monitoring the implementation of state policies in the field of regional development and protection of the environment. In this context, they carried out on Wednesday, 29 November a number of visits in the Centre Development Region. Members of parliamentary delegation expressed, thus, their intention of facilitating the dialogue with regional and local institutions, identifying development related challenges at regional level and optimising the efforts of state institutions at all levels to support fair and balanced development throughout the territory of the Republic of Moldova.

The parliamentary delegation began its visit at the Centre Regional Development Agency (RDA) where a meeting took place on the achievements and perspectives of development in regional development priority sectors. Against this background, the director of Centre RDA Viorel Jardan informed the members of Parliament on the specifics of Agency’s work and on most important results achieved in the field of regional development in the Centre Development Region. In addition, the director of Centre RDA told the members of Parliament that in 2017 Centre RDA is implementing 19 projects financed from the National Fund for Regional Development (NFRD). The parliamentary delegation, also, took part for a short time in the first meeting of the specialty Commission of the Centre Regional Development Council (RDC), where they expressed the belief that the work of the new commission and entire decision making structure will be characterised by participative approach in decision-making with an impact in the region.

Further, the members of the parliamentary commission made monitoring visits to several regional development projects implemented by Centre RDA. Among the first visited projects were ‘Group of producers and packing house for marketing services for export’ (Costesti, Ialoveni) and ‘Construction of tourist and sports facilities in Costesti’, where the mayor of the village Natalia Petrea told the Members about the success of the projects implemented in their locality. ‘We have the ambition of completing any project initiated in the locality. After we have worked out several economic aspects and became number one in the country in terms of refrigeration equipment, we intend to, also, take care of other community development aspects’ said Natalia Petrea.

In the second half of the day, the members of the Environment and Regional Development Commission visited the construction sites of the following projects: ‘Construction of local road L452 on the route: village Scoreni of Straseni rayon – village Malcoci of Ialoveni Rayon’ and ‘Improvement of energy efficiency in the surgical unit of Orhei Rayon Hospital’. The manager of the hospital, Elena Panciuc noted that – ‘With Centre RDA support we are taking a step in decreasing the maintenance costs for the surgical unit and we hope to be an example for other institutions in this respect’.

The Members were accompanied by Dorin Andros, State Secretary in the field of regional and rural development from the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, representatives of the ‘Modernisation of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ (MLPS) project and advisors of the Parliament.

The visit of the Environment and Regional Development Commission of the Parliament to the Centre Development Region took place with MLPS project support.

The project ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ (MLPS) is implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and is financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union, the Romanian Government, the Swedish Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).