On 30 June 2015, a delegation consisting of members of international cooperation institutions in the Republic of Moldova conducted a working visit to the Autonomous Territorial Unit (ATU) Gagauzia where met with Irina Vlah, the Governor of the region, Vadim Ceban, First Deputy President of the Executive Committee of ATU Gagauzia and Maria Bordeniuc, the head of Economic development Department of the Executive Committee of ATU Gagauzia.

The Delegation of cooperation institutions from Germany was led by Thomas Weithoner, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Republic of Moldova. The Delegation also included Iva Stamenova, Attaché of the EU Delegation in the Republic of Moldova, Dietrich Hahn, International senior advisor on local public services, German Development Cooperation through GIZ and Sergiu Gutu, head of Chisinau office of German Development Bank KfW.

During the meeting there were discussed the possibilities of cooperation and implementation of projects related to regional development. Thomas Weithoner, the head of delegation, mentioned that the Federal Republic of Germany provides assistance in regional development through the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction of the Republic of Moldova (MRDC).

In turn, the Governor Irina Vlah talked about the need to create a Regional Development Agency (RDA) in ATU Gagauzia, and Vadim Ceban, First Deputy President of the Executive Committee of ATU Gagauzia, highlighted the importance of projects’ implementation in water supply and sanitation (WSS), energy efficiency and solid waste management on the territory of ATU Gagauzia.

Dietrich Hahn, GIZ international senior advisor on local public services said that the organization he represents is involved in projects related to WSS in Cahul town and, according to him, this experience could be implemented on the territory of ATU Gagauzia as well. In this regard, Sergiu Gutu, the head of KfW Chisinau office said that KfW bank can support the project that provides for water supply to Vulcanesti town.

Regarding water supply and sanitation, GIZ supports three pilot projects: in Cahul, Rascani and Leova rayons.

Promotion of cooperation between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and the Government of the Republic of Moldova began in 1994. Since then, there have been implemented a number of important development projects, which were aimed at facilitating the transition from a planned economy to a market economy.

Photo source: Gagauziainfo.md