Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, by implementing ‘Modernization of Local Public Services’ project have proposed supporting private sector representatives by implementing the sub-component ‘Complementary private sector support’. Thus, today, 26 May, there was held the first meeting of the Regional Working Group. It took place at Ialoveni Rayon Council.

During the meeting there was briefly described the sub-component ‘Complementary private sector support’, the regional working group’s composition, regulation and activity plan.

The participants in the meeting discussed on the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding regarding the implementation of ‘complementary private sector support’ component. It was also presented and approved the working plan of the Regional Working Group on private sector support, and established the date for the next meeting of the Regional Working Group. This event was organized with EU support.

In the opening of the meeting, the representative of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Dorin Andros said that according to statistics, it has been deduced that in procurement procedures participate very few economic operators and there are many gaps in the presentation of tender books. In this context, such workshops are absolutely necessary to determine the obstacles and finding solutions to solve these problems. Also, the representative of MRDC said that the programming period 2014-2020 provides strengthening efforts for private sector capacity building.

Volker Stötzer, long-term expert within sequa company (Eastern Committee of German Economy) spoke of his vast experience and willingness to share it with partners from the Republic of Moldova. These practices will serve as a basis for the organization of round tables, trainings, and information and training seminars for local businesses in order to increase capacity.

After the first meeting of the RWG, also in Ialoveni, it was held a roundtable with the participation of about 40 entrepreneurs from the Development Region Center. During the meeting, it was presented the regional development policy both at national level and directly for the Region Center. In this context, the Director of RDA Center, Tudor Messina gave examples of investment projects in the region and urged regional entrepreneurs to actively participate in public procurement procedures organized by the Agency in order to implement successful projects.

The entrepreneurs present at the round table have demonstrated a strong interest in regional development and were open to participate in joint events that are to be initiated by the Agency.

Attendees completed a questionnaire in which they were asked to score all the needs they have at the time in order to finalize the action plan that will enhance the capabilities and economic agent’s participation in public procurement procedures announced by the Agency for the implementation of projects in the center of the country.