Today, 7 May, Balti branch of CCI of RM, hosted a seminar entitled ‘Public procurement procedures – information and capacity development of economic agents’, organized within the GIZ project ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’.

The 30 participants – economic operators of Balti mun., Falesti, Singerei, Glodeni, Riscani rayons – representatives of businesses and organizations that operate in the fields of water and sanitation, solid waste management, energy efficiency in public buildings, regional and local roads, but also in other sectors, local civil servants had an agenda with important topics.

At the inauguration of the event, Galina Codita, Balti branch manager of CCI RM, while thanking business representatives and LPAs for their presence, from the start of the seminar noted its practical role of information and training for entrepreneurs, which aims at encouraging both purchasers and suppliers, taking into account the wider social impact of public procurement activities.

The presentations offered by Ecaterina Grib, expert in Public Procurement and Dorin Rojnevschi, consultant within Business development Department of the CCI RM familiarized the economic agents with the rights and obligations of contracting authorities and economic operators within procurement procedures, as well as with complaints. Discussions related to the evaluation of the procurement process focused on the forced exclusion of economic operators, often encountered violations of the economic operators and contracting authorities.

The moderator of the event, Tatiana Bilba coordinator, GIZ project, presented participants with case studies based on actual public procurement procedures, thus carrying on discussions in an interactive form and accompanied by concrete examples.

Participants put forward a number of proposals, which aimed at changing public procurement legislation, bank guarantee. Economic operators have highly appreciated the organization of the seminar, usefulness and timeliness of the topic.

The seminar was organized in partnership with the German Development Cooperation through GIZ under the ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’ project, component ‘Complementary private sector support’ through the Pilot Regional Development Programme of the European Union.