Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC) and Regional Development Agency North (RDA North), with the financial support of the European Union, provided within the project ‚Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’, managed by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, continues the regional planning process and improvement of project concepts in  Energy Efficiency (EE) of public buildings and Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS).

In this regard, in the first half of 7 of May 2014 there was organized workshop No 4 in Energy Efficiency of public buildings. During the seminar there was presented the current situation of Regional Sector Programme for Energy Efficiency (public buildings)implementation. GIZ advisors presented the current situation within the process of project development and preliminary summarizing of results from field visits.

In the second half of the day there took place the sixth workshop in WSS. Within this session, participants were familiarized with the WSS Regional Sector Programme for Development Region North, at the stage of public consultation.

Project sheets will represent the final outcome of regional sector planning workshops prepared to be submitted to EU funds and presented to interested donors.

‚Even though not all project concepts will obtain financing, local public authorities have the great advantage to be taught how to properly prepare regional development projects’, says the Director of RDA North, Ion Bodrug, considering the positive impact of such workshops.

Together with specialists from the RDA North, national and international experts, the working groups that met in the workshops are participating in integrated regional sector plans development. This process will be completed by the end of 2015.

Today’s meetings were attended by members of the working groups in the areas of WSS and EE from all rayons of Development Region North, representatives of line ministries and GIZ.