Representatives of expert company ‘Fichtner Water & Transportation’, contracted by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ examines the progress in the development of technical documentation for two projects in water supply and sanitation (WSS) implemented by North RDA and financed by the European Union in cooperation with the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ (MLSP) project implemented by GIZ. These are the projects: ‘Improvement of water supply and sanitation services in Drochia town’ and ‘Improvement of water supply and sanitation services in Pascauti, Damascani, Proscureni, Galaseni, Malaiesti and Hiliuti from Riscani rayon’.

The experts began the visit on 17 July 2018 with a meeting at North RDA. The meeting was attended by Vitalii Povonschii, director of North RDA and Constantin Rosca the representative of ‘Fluxproiect’ SRL company, the winner of the public tender for the development of technical documentation, as well, as the international expert Michael Uhlich, the national expert Pavel Panus and GIZ representatives – Alexandru Boesu, national advisor in contract implementation and Vitalie Cernomoret, national expert in the WSS field.

During discussions, North RDA director, Vitalii Povonschii mentioned that on one hand the Agency often faces problems related to technical documentation developed under projects. On the other hand, North RDA director noted the high professionalism of ‘Fluxproiect’ SRL company which develops the technical documentation for two WSS projects in Drochia and Riscani rayons. Also, the North RDA director said that at this stage it is necessary to identify all optimal technical solutions in order to achieve all planned outcomes in the implementation of projects and thanked all the experts for their professional approach.

In his turn, the representative of ‘Fluxproiect’ SRL company, Constantin Rosca informed that as to Drochia project, the company developed the technical report and now is dealing with water testing. According to him, the results of water tests will determine further the decisions with regard to fixing the water source to provide water Drochia town. In this context, the international expert Michael Uhlich underlined that the investments in water quality are a priority, followed by the ones in water networks. As regards the WSS project in Riscani rayon, the representative of ‘Fluxproiect’ SRL company said that today he signed the papers to start the planning works.

In Drochia town 4.6 km of drinking water supply lines will be rehabilitated, as well as 8.5 km of under pressure water supply networks. Also, the water supply networks in Drochia will be extended by 8.9 km. As part of project, in Drochia 1 water treatment plant will be constructed and 2 pumping stations – rehabilitated together with 7 water towers and 6 drinking water tanks. Additionally, 7 hydrophore stations will be installed in the multi-storied residential complexes.

In the six localities from Riscani rayon 19.6 km of drinking water distribution networks will be constructed together with 40 km of sewage networks. A main pipeline, 26 km long will be, also, constructed. Under the WSS project, in six villages 3 waste water treatment plants will be built, as well as 1 water treatment plant and 1 pumping station for 28 localities from Riscani rayon.

On Friday, 20 July the expert team will carry out a visit to localities which are beneficiaries of WSS project from Riscani rayon. There they will meet the local authorities and project manager documenting themselves on the spot with regard to the project.


These two WSS projects are implemented by North RDA and are financed by the European Union in cooperation with the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and financially supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish Government, the Romanian Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).