Workshop on the Development of Water Supply and Sanitation for the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development took place in Leova Rayon.

The event was attended by representatives from LPA I and II, Î.M. Apa Canal, Igor Malai, Deputy Head of the General -Directorate of Regional Development, in the framework of MRDC, GIZ experts and advisors, and specialists from South RDA.

Opening the workshop, MRDC representative, Mr Igor Malai declared, ‘The development of Socio-Economic Development Strategy for Leova rayon is necessary and urgent. Ministry of Regional Development and Construction along with GIZ experts, offers full support for this strategy to be developed. The methods and mechanisms must be developed jointly with the rayon’s LPAs to realize the provisions of this chapter pertaining to Water Supply and Sanitation. This chapter must be real, achievable and achieved. Agenda of activities in this regard should be intensified, to gather according to a planned, systematic schedule through which we will develop the WSS chapter’.

Workshop participants met in working groups where they practiced on the development of SWOT analysis and objectives’ identification, being guided in this process by the South Regional Development Agency specialists.

Also, the workshop participants got familiar with the purpose and stages for elaboration of the Socio-Economic Development Strategy, as well as with the national and regional objectives in Water Supply and Sanitation.

At the end of the activity, results were presented on the activities in group. There were identified changes in the WSS sector, established actions to be undertaken, so that the Leova Rayon SEDS to be compiled by September of this year.


Modernization of local public services through the creation of a regional system of integrated waste management

On Monday, 23 June, was held a meeting on the current state of development of the Feasibility study on the creation of infrastructure for a regional integrated waste management system, developed within the project ‘Modernization of local public services’.

The meeting, chaired by the Deputy Minister of Environment, Lazar Chirica was organized by the Ministry of Environment and the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.

The Feasibility study is to be conducted by GIZ, based on the Action Plan of the Waste Management Strategy in the South region and is in compliance with the objectives of the Waste Management Strategy in the Republic of Moldova for the years 2013-2027.

The activities under the project ‘Modernization of local public services’ are fully supported by the Ministry of Environment and Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, which are partners of the mentioned project, and is performed with the support of the Project Working Group for DR South – management subarea III (Cahul, Cantemir and Taraclia rayons), DR Center – management subarea II (Nisporeni Ungheni and Calarasi rayons), DR Nord – management Subarea II (Briceni, Donduseni and Edinet).

The project’s expert team identified and analyzed several potential sites for regional landfills proposed by the Project’s Working Group, taking into account certain infrastructure and operating criteria, hydrological criteria, minimum distance from water sources, etc. As a result of the examination, it was agreed that the locations of Cahul town (DR South), Zagarancea v. (DR Center) and Ruseni v. (DR North) represent lands corresponding to the prerequisites for building regional landfills. The sites were examined together with local public authorities and local inspections.

During the meeting there were stated the following steps focused on:

  • Final selection of the land;
  • Develop options and analysis for waste management;
  • Assessment of costs;
  • Develop viable project concepts for investment;
  • Finalize documentation on Environmental Impact Assessment and Feasibility Study.

At the same time, there were discussed possibilities for extending feasibility studies for other sub-regions in order to continue waste management activities according to the procedure established by law in force.