On 7 April 2015 in Cahul town was held a working meeting on the development of the feasibility study based on the project concept ‘Improving water supply and sanitation services in Cahul town and neighboring localities by continuous extension, rehabilitation and regionalization’.

The meeting was attended by mayors from Cahul town, Crihana Veche v., Manta v., Rosu v., Cahul Rayon Council representatives, ME ,Apa Canal – Cahul ‘, GIZ (German Development Cooperation) experts and advisors and South Regional Development Agency.

During the meeting, the mayors of localities concerned in the Possible Project Concept (PPC) presented the general urban plan, socio-economic development strategy of Cahul town and villages mentioned, feasibility studies and existing implementation projects (including maps, charts etc.). It was also discussed the creation of the working group on the project that will facilitate the drafting of the feasibility study (FS), to be completed by the end of this year.

GIZ expert team visited the Capture station, Treatment Plant and Wastewater Pumping station, Main Wastewater Pumping station and Wastewater Treatment Plant from Cahul town.

After the meeting, GIZ experts undertook a visit to the headquarters of ME ‘Apa Canal’ Cahul, where got documented on the technical conditions of the water supply and sanitation infrastructure and investments made over the years. At the same time, experts undertook a visit to the villages involved in the PPC, to become familiar with the relief of the village Manta (which includes the villages of Pascani and Manta), Crihana Veche v., Rosu v. and  Cotihana v.

We would like to recall that within workshop No.7 of the regional sector working group of 19 March, it was presented the decision of the Inter-ministerial Commission where has been selected two Possible Project Concepts from South region for Leova and Cahul rayons, that subsequently will be developed into Viable Project Concepts.

We reiterate that these activities are taking place with the support of the European Union and the Government of Sweden.