German Development Cooperation through GIZ has supported the participation of four Moldovan officials to Munich, Germany, during 5-8 May 2014 at the International Exhibition IFAT Entsorga 2014 – one of the world wide most important trade faires for the sectors of water supply and sanitation, waste management, and raw material management. The visit was carried out with the support of GIZ project ‚Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’.

Thus, the Moldovan delegation at IFAT Entsorga 2014 included:

  • Head of the General Directorate for Regional Development within the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Valerian Binzaru
  • Director of Regional Development Agency Center, Tudor Mesina
  • Consultant, Water Management Department within the Ministry of Environment, Nadejda Chilaru
  • Consultant, Pollution Prevention Department within the Ministry of Environment, Vlada Luca

Participants from the Republic of Moldova had the opportunity to visit the stands of the most prestigious companies specialized in the sector of water and sanitation and solid waste management.

The visit to Munich also included a trip to the transfer station in the surroundings of city, where the delegation discussed with the employees of this institution, and observed the whole work process.

By organizing such study visits, GIZ project aims at capacity building of its main partner – the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction – to coordinate and monitor the process of regional development. GIZ supports four pilot projects which are undertaken by Regional Development Agencies, in partnership with the Ministry of Environment namely on fields represented at IFAT Entsorga 2014:

  1. Improving water and sanitation services in the Rascani rayon
  2. Improving water and sanitation services in Iargara, Leova rayon
  3. Improving water and sanitation services in Cahul rayon
  4. Improving solid waste management services in Soldanesti, Rezina and Floresti rayons

The project ‚Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’ is implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ and is supported financially by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the European Union.