North RDA, Riscani Rayon Council, Municipality of Costesti town, administration of Galaseni commune and of Hiliuti commune, ‘Fluxproiect’ SRL Company signed on Tuesday, 3 July the service contract for the development of construction documentation for water supply and sanitation project in Pascauti, Damascani, Proscureni, Galaseni, Malaiesti and Hiliuti localitites from Riscani Rayon.

Previously, the working group on procurement from North RDA decided to award the service contract for the development of construction documentation for ‘Improvement of water supply and sanitation services in Pascauti, Damascani, Proscureni, Galaseni, Malaiesti and Hiliuti localitites from Riscani Rayon’ project to the bidder ‘Fluxproiect’ SRL Company.

Acccording to the project, in six localitites from Riscani rayon 19,6 km of drinking water distribution networks will be constructed, as well as 40 km of sewage networks. Also, a main water pipeline, 26 km long will be laid.  Besides this, as part of the project, in the six villages 3 waste water treatment plants, 1 drinking water treatment plant and 1 pumping station for 28 localities in Riscani Rayon will be constructed.


This project is financed by the European Union in cooperation with the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and is financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the European Union, the Swedish Government, the Romanian Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).