Today in Cahul was held the founding meeting of the Local Steering Committee (LSC) of Modernization of Local Public Services in Moldova Project (MLPS) in Water Supply and Sanitation (WSS) sector for Cahul rayon.

The meeting was attended by the Director of General Directorate for Regional Development within the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, Mr Valerian Binzaru, South RDA director, Mrs Maria Culeşov, representatives of LPA of level I and II, representatives of Environmental Agency, Public Health Center, representative of the German Development Cooperation through GIZ and NGO from Cahul.

During the meeting was presented the MLPS project in WSS Cahul, and under the Memorandum of Understanding approved on 16 December 2014 by the signatory parties, it was discussed the text of the Regulation of the Local Steering Committee, which is an Annex to the Memorandum as well.

Consequently, under the Regulation of the LSC, was elected the President of the LSC – Mayor of Cahul, Mr Petru Burlacu, Deputy President of the LSC was appointed the Mayor of Rosu, Mr Grigore Furtuna and Mrs Natalia Culev, specialist within Cahul hall was appointed as secretary of the LSC.

It was also discussed on the identification and appointment of a local manager and possibility for funding by stakeholders.

In the first half of March, it is planned a meeting where MLPS Activity report in WSS Cahul will be presented for the fourth quarter of 2014.