From March to December 2015, Rascani rayon residents are being informed about the benefits of water supply and sanitation public service, but also on the responsibility of citizens to pay bills on time for this common good. The campaign entitled ‚Centralized services, quality water’ is performed by the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction, North Regional Development Agency, in partnership with Rascani Rayon Council and Ministry of Environment, with financial support from the German government. The support is provided through the project ‚Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’, managed by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.

Thus, the campaign’s slogan is accompanying 2000 brochures and 1000 posters-calendars, which are being distributed to citizens in the 28 public meetings planned. Promotional materials emphasize the benefits of a modern water supply and sanitation system, both for health and economic aspect, as well as for the quality of life.

Consultants of Business Women Association from Rural area of Rascani rayon, a non-governmental organization selected by contest to manage the communication campaign, hold 28 public meetings with citizens from 28 target localities in Rascani rayon, where are discussed issues related to the importance of the centralized water supply system and wastewater treatment need, formation of tariffs for services, water sources, etc. In 18 educational institutions of the rayon are organized events with the theme ‚Water and sanitation week’, during which will take place thematic educational lessons, drawing contests, literary contests, humoristic contests. The campaign will culminate in a ceremony awarding active participants in the campaign. They will be given diplomas and symbolic promotional accessories.

The campaign takes place within the pilot project ‘Improving water supply and sanitation services in Rascani rayon’ implemented by North RDA, supported by GIZ. Thus, in 2012, in the village of Duruitoarea Veche a water pipe was built from funds provided by the German Government through GIZ. It follows to be built a sewerage system in 2015. It is also planned the extension of sewerage networks and reconstruction of wastewater treatment plant in the city of Costesti.

Municipal enterprise ‘Apa-Canal Costesti’ received during the project’s implementation period, financial support for the rehabilitation of enterprise’s premises, was equipped with equipment and specialized vehicles for operational needs. At the same time, the company’s specialists benefit from thematic training programmes.

Thus, in addition to infrastructure investments, the German support comes to contribute in adjusting local plans and programmes in relevant sectors, enhancing localities’ cooperation for joint provision of services, capacity development of service operators, as well as information and public awareness.

In 2012, Rascani Rayon Council approved the updated component on water and sanitation of the rayon’s Socio-economic development strategy. The document sets priorities for investments in water supply and sanitation sector. In 2014, with the support of GIZ experts, was developed the Feasibility Study for water supply services’ aggregation from Prut cluster, Rascani rayon, with options of collection and wastewater treatment services. The total budget of the pilot project in Rascani rayon exceedes EUR 1.2 million.

German government also supports pilot projects in water and sanitation sector in Cahul and Leova rayons.

‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’ project is implemented by German Development Cooperation through GIZ and is financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the European Union.

Campaign’s Logo

