Today, 19 May 2015, in Chisinau was held a round table on ‘Private sector opportunities in public procurement’. The overall objective of the event was to raise awareness of private sector in terms of public procurement, namely energy efficiency (EE). Discussions focused on opportunities in the private sector in terms of public procurement and had as target group the companies from energy efficiency sector.

The event was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), Centre Regional Development Agency (RDA), Energy Efficiency Agency (EEA), Public Procurement Agency (PPA), Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) and the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.

MRDC representative at the event, Gheorghe Croitoru, head of Technical and economic regulations Department made a presentation on the provisions of the Law on Energy Performance of Buildings. ‘The law on energy performance should be studied thoroughly and most importantly, properly interpreted. This task falls with MRDC, a thing that we will do later. The fact that it was discussed the provisions of Public Procurement Agency on constructing materials’ quality is very useful, because in specifications they are described vaguely. It is very welcome to be organized such meetings more often and on more specific issues. Today we talked about energy efficiency, but there are many other areas where the quality of construction materials must comply’, said Gheorghe Croitoru.         

Tudor Mesina, Centre RDA director and moderator of the event, stated: ‘Today’s event was held successfully and highlighted opportunities for the private sector in terms of public procurement. With the support of development partners, today we have achieved a successful project in the field of EE, which aimed to improve EE in regional hospital from Orhei. By implementing this project in the Centre Region, but also participating and organizing numerous trainings in the regions, we disseminated the information and provided assistance both for LPAs and the private sector in this field’.

Complementary private sector support is provided by the consulting company sequa, in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Republic of Moldova (CCI) and its local branches. The events take place with the financial support of the European Union offered within the project ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’, implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, in partnership with the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction and North, Centre and South Regional Development Agencies (RDA).