The project’s working group members (PWG) in water supply and sanitation (WSS) sector from Sangerei rayon, gathered in the first workshop to discuss the preliminary results obtained during the development of the study feasibility based on the viable project concept ‘Extension of the sewerage system in Sangerei town’.

The workshop was organized by North Regional Development Agency (North RDA), within the project ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’, Intervention Area 2 – ‘Regional Planning and Programming’, managed by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ and supported by the German Government, Swedish Government and the European Union

The event was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), North RDA, GIZ, PWG members and LPA representatives from Sangerei.

‘Even if, after local elections, the composition of local public administration could change, now it is important to have a quality feasibility study, because, in turn, this document will be the basis for the development of the technical design. Be very cautious to data and indicators that will be included by the working group in the feasibility study’, said the head of project management within MRDC, Victor Caun.

‘Due to the feasibility study that is under development, the water supply and sanitation project from Sangerei may have better chances to get funding. At this stage, it is important to consider all aspects that would hold back the project’, said North RDA Director, Ion Bodrug.

In the next period, GIZ expert team will conduct field visits in order to gather necessary data for the development of the feasibility study.

We would like to recall that within the Regional Sector Programme (RSP), WSS sector, Inter-ministerial Commission responsible for WSS field, selected on 11 February 2015, 5 viable project concepts of the 11 possible project concepts initially accepted for the North Development Region. Subsequently, the experts visited Sangerei, Falesti, Drochia, Edinet rayons and Balti municipality, where they discussed issues related to financial, technical and legal aspects for initiating the process of drafting the feasibility study on the WSS system.

Previously, there were organized 7 regional workshops in WSS. These meetings aimed at developing a portfolio of investment projects at regional level. The planning process was conducted by regional sector working group consisting of representatives from MRDC, Ministry of Environment, Rayon Councils, guided by national and international experts. On 6 June 2014, North Regional Development Council approved the RSP in WSS.