The South Regional Development Agency organised on Tuesday, 10 July 2018 a working meeting for the kick-off of energy efficiency technical design measures of the Theoretical Lyceum ‘Constantin Spataru’ from Leova town. This follows the signing on 2 July of the design service contract for energy efficiency measures for the given institution between South RDA as implementation institution, the company SRL ‘Arhideea-Grup’, the winner of the public tender and the project beneficiary – Leova town municipality.

The kick-off meeting was attended by Maria Culesov, director of South RDA, Valentina Plesca, GIZ senior advisor, Sergiu Mahu, vice-mayor of Leova town, Dorin Marin, director of TL ‘Constantin Spataru’, Grigore Retis, expert of GIZ Construction Department from Germany, representatives of ‘Arhideea-Grup’ design company and other responsible persons.

Maria Culesov, director of South RDA greeted the participants and specified that the energy efficiency project for the Theoretic Lyceum ‘Constantin Spataru’ from Leova town is a new one and of great importance not only for South RDA, but also for the entire South Development Region. This is a first project of this kind implemented in the Republic of Moldova with the European Union support via GIZ which, also, provides for the development of construction documentation in EE field.

According to South RDA director, the project ‘Increasing energy efficiency of TL ‘Constantin Spataru’ from Leova Town’ plans to improve the access to quality education services for the teachers and students of educational institutions from Leova rayon.

‘I wish and very much hope that this project, which for sure will attract, also, other investments  and open further new perspectives will bode well. On behalf of the team I represent, I want to assure you that South RDA is open for cooperation and will make all possible efforts for the successful implementation of this project. To achieve the project objectives, it is necessary that all parties get engaged with maximum responsibility, there is a good communication between all actors involved and a quality and prompt carrying out of design and construction works’, stated Maria Culesov.

In her turn, Valentina Plesca, GIZ senior advisor stressed the role and responsibilities of every part involved in the implementation of the ‘Increasing energy efficiency of TL ‘Constantin Spataru’ from Leova town’ project. GIZ senior advisor, also, drew the attention of the contractor and direct beneficiary of the investment towards the provisions in the design documentation on all details relevant for identification of optimal technical solution to achieve the planned results in the implementation of given project.

Further, the representatives of the design company ‘Arhideea’ asked Dorin Marin, the manager of TL ‘Constantin Spataru’ a number of questions in order to get informed better on the technical condition of the building to become more energy efficient.

Referring to the importance and durability of the investment for the institution he manages, Dorin Marin told the participants about the information campaign carried out in the Lyceum. During the campaign both students and parents were informed on the benefits the project ‘Increasing energy efficiency of TL ‘Constantin Spataru’ from Leova town’ is about to bring and which will be implemented with EU support. According to the manager, this campaign led many parents to wish for their children to study in this school, in particular. To support this, a big number of requests to enrol children in the first grade of this school have been submitted this year to the administration of the mentioned lyceum.


This project is financed by the European Union in cooperation with the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and is financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish Government, the Romanian Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).