The Local Steering Committee (LSC) of ‚Improvement of water supply and sanitation services in Edinet municipality‘ met on 18 July 2018 in the second meeting organised at the city hall of Edinet. During the meeting the activities from the implementation plan, the project monitoring report and the activities planned for July-September period were presented.

The meeting was chaired by Vitalie Sorocan, chairman of project LSC and director of M.E. ‘Apa-Canal’ Edinet. The chairman of LSC greeted the LSC members present at the meeting and mentioned that it was necessary that every stakeholder was actively involved in the successful implementation of the project.

LSC members approved the plan of activities for Quarter II. In this context, Angela Miron, the secretary of LSC and project manager referred to the main tasks carried out during April – June 2018.

As a result of project implementation, the water supply networks in Edinet will be extended by 4.5 km, and 22.9 km will be rehabilitated. Over 3.300 inhabitants of Edinet municipality will be connected to the water supply system.

We note, that the LSC was established as part of the project in Edinet and serves as a platform for ensuring a better cooperation between the main stakeholder in the implementation of projects in particular and of regional development policy in general. In this context, Dietrich Hahn, GIZ/MLPS international senior advisor mentioned that via this LSC ‘we try to give more responsibility to local authorities involved in the implementation of these projects’.


The project ‘Improvement of water supply and sanitation services in Edinet municipality’ is financed by the European Union in cooperation with the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and North RDA and financially supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish Government, the Romanian Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).