Members of Local Steering Committee (LSC) of the project ‘Improvement of water supply and sanitation services in Drochia town’ met on Thursday 19 July in the second meeting at Drochia town hall. At the meeting the project progress report was presented for Quarter II and the project implementation plan for Quarter III was updated and approved.

The meeting was chaired by Nina Cereteu, chair of LSC of the project and mayor of Drochia town. In her message, the chair of LSC mentioned that it was necessary that every stakeholder was actively involved in the successful implementation of the water supply and sanitation project.

The LSC members worked on the plan of activities for Quarter III and updated, also, the project implementation plan.  Further, the LSC members were presented the project report for Quarter II. In this context, Ruslan Babin, the local project manager referred to the main tasks carried out during April – June 2018. In his turn, Vitalie Josan, deputy chair of LSC and vice-president of Drochia rayon talked on the role of intermunicipal cooperation for the development of WSS sector in Drochia rayon.

In addition, during the meeting such aspects as the current status of the project (in the context of completion of phase I of technical design development), LPA and service operator tasks of ensuring the conditionalities of the donor, informing the population on the scope of the project and financial contribution of consumers for connection to networks and providing consultation on and determination of modality to set and collect the contribution were discussed. The LSC members evaluated the implementation of activities and outcomes achieved. Also, as part of the meeting, a number of problems and risks were discussed. 

Petru Veverita, MLSP/GIZ national senior advisor noted that the goal of LSC is to provide solutions for problems which might come up during project implementation and give more responsibility to involved parties at local level.

As a result of project implementation, in Drochia town 4.6 km of under pressure drinking water pipeline will be rehabilitated, as well as, 8.5 km of water supply networks.  In addition to this, the water supply networks in Drochia will be extended by 8.9 km. As part of the project, 1 water treatment plant will be constructed, while 2 pumping stations, 7 water towers and 6 drinking water tanks will be rehabilitated. Additionally, 7 hydrophore stations will be installed in the multi storied residential complexes. Approx. 17.300 inhabitants of Drochia will be connected to the water supply system. The estimated value of the WSS project in Drochia town is EUR 1.5 million, with the contribution of beneficiaries in the amount of EUR 162.000.


The project ‘Improvement of water supply and sanitation services in Drochia town’ is financed by the European Union in cooperation with the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and North RDA and financially supported by the German Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish Government, the Romanian Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).