North RDA as contracting authority carried out on Monday, 13 August two repeated tender procedures for design services related to the development of detailed technical design for the rehabilitation  and extension of water supply systems in the localities of Falesti (Lot NA 1), Edinet (Lot NA 2) and for design services in the field of energy efficiency for the Theoretic Lyceum ‘Dimitrie Cantemir’ from Balti municipality (Lot NE 1), Public Institution Gymnasium ‘Iurie Boghiu’ from Flamanzeni village, Sangerei rayon (Lot NE 2).

Thus, for the tender on water supply and sewage for Falesti, 5 bids were registered and for Edinet – 4. For the repeated tender to contract design services in the field of energy efficiency two bids were submitted, one of which will not be examined as it was not submitted according to the Regulation. The validated bid refers to the Theoretic Lyceum ‘Dimitrie Cantemir’.  It is important to point out that during the tender procedure for design services related to energy efficiency 13 letters applying for documentation were registered.

The evaluation commission shall analyse every bid and shall nominate the contractors to provide the services.

Ion Iliev, lawyer at North RDA and appointed chairman of the evaluation commission opened the tender procedures pointing to their purpose. Also, he reminded that the public tender procedures organised by North RDA for the use of funds from the Financing Agreements signed between GIZ (German Development Cooperation through GIZ) and RDAs will be carried out according to GIZ Public Procurement Regulation.

The awarding of public procurement contracts will follow the rules provided in this Regulation (GIZ PRAG) developed based on the provisions of EU PRAG practical Guide (version as of January 2016) for service and works contracts. Observance of these rules ensures an objective, transparent and non-discriminatory choice of contractors with competitive bids at best value for money following, at the same time, the efficiency of using public funds.

These projects are financed by the European Union in cooperation with the ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’ project implemented by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment and is financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish Government, the Romanian Government and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).