A group of specialists from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), Regional Development Agency North (RDA North) and advisors from the German Development Cooperation through GIZ participate, at the premises of RDA North in a two-day workshop on the establishment of results-based monitoring and evaluation system within the project ‘Water and sanitation in Rascani rayon’ with financed from the German Investment Fund.

The workshop gathered experts from departments of strategic planning, project management, public relations and procurements, which have proposed to review the results-based monitoring system for the pilot project implemented in Rascani. However, the participants have also discussed during the session the roles and responsibilities in the implementation of the pilot project.

During the analysis, the participants took as example the implementation mechanism of the 5 pilot projects within the project ‘Modernization of local public services (MLPS) in the Republic of Moldova’, financed through GIZ. This mechanism is based on the ‘Pentagon’ model, which includes the following steps: (1 ) planning and integrated programming at the local level ; ( 2)  improvement of cooperation between local public administrations (LPAs) ; ( 3 ) investments in infrastructure optimization for local public services ; ( 4 ) LPAs and service providers capacity building; ( 5 ) population’s mobilization and awareness raising.

Working in groups, the participants at the workshop help in adjusting WSS pilot project documentation, according to the mechanism mentioned above. According to GIZ advisors, this project implementation model provides effective and sustainable results. Drafting logical framework for each of the two projects and clarification of roles and responsibilities will ensure the long-term effectiveness of these investments.

A similar workshop was held on 8-9 April within the interregional project ‘Improving solid waste management in Soldanesti, Rezina Floresti rayons’. By such activities, the Agency aims to establish a results-based monitoring and evaluation system for instrastructure projects financed through the German Investment Fund.

Regarding the pilot-project from Costesti

The Director of RDA North, Ion Bodrug, affirms that the water supply and sanitation project from Duruitoarea Veche is unique. ‘What impressed us is the activism of people and the fact that they collected a contribution of over 100 thousand lei, money required for development of technical documentation of the project, which is significant for this small locality’, said the Director of RDA North, Ion Bodrug.

The construction of sewerage networks in the village of Duruitoarea Veche and the reconstruction of treatment plant and extension of sewerage networks in Costesti are among several other important activities to be conducted under the pilot project.

The total value of water supply and sewerage network construction project is EUR 1,117,306 (including German investments – EUR 1,103,431, local contribution – EUR 13 875). There are 4130 people living in Costesti.

The reconstruction works of the water pipe from Duruitoarea Veche were fully completed in August 2012 and the inauguration was held on 6 September 2012. Shortly, there was held the final acceptance of the work. The goods received after the implementation of the project were sent to the final beneficiary LPA Costesti in October 2012. Besides infrastructure optimization measures, the project has helped to optimize the operational capabilities of the service provider ‘Apa -Canal Costesti’.

Following the results obtained after the implementation of the pilot project ‘Provision of water and sanitation services to villagers of Duruitoarea Veche, Costesti commune, Rascani rayon’, launched three years ago, RDA North will implement starting from this year, four projects financed by the German government sources through the German Development Cooperation through GIZ. These four projects are part of the MLPS project.

MLPS project within which is carried the project on drinking water supply and sewer system access in Costesti is implemented by GIZ, being financially supported by the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania.