It was reviewed and updated the operational plan of the project ‘Improving solid waste management in Şoldanesti, Rezina and Floresti rayons’ with funding from the German Government.

Thus, a team of specialists involved in the project’s implementation and a representative of the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction who was also part of it, attended within the premises of North RDA a workshop organized to determine the implementation degree of activities from the project’s operational plan.

Stella Buzuleac, specialist in the development, implementation and monitoring of projects in North RDA and Igor Neaga, GIZ regional advisor in North RDA, informed the working group members on the current status of the project in Floresti and Valentina Plesca, GIZ national advisor, presented the concept of creating efficient and sustainable public service of solid waste management.

Gathered in the workshop, working group members have updated the project’s operational plan by the end of 2014, and named the responsible persons for carrying out planned activities.

about the project

From 2014, on the territory of Floresti rayon, part of the Development Region North, the project ‘Improving solid waste management in Soldanesti, Rezina and Floresti rayons’  is monitored by North RDA with GIZ advisors’ support within North RDA. We would like to note that, up to date, the project has been implemented across Floresti rayon by Center RDA.

With a total budget of MDL 40 million, from the German Government’s sources, the project is an interregional one, the successful implementation of which will lead to the development of targeted communities and reduce the number of illnesses of the population.

So far, in Floresti rayon, there were built 215 platforms for landfill and purchased machinery. However, there are to be built a sanitary landfill in Soldanesti, 2 recycling centers in Soldanesti and Floresti, 2 transfer stations in Cotiujenii Mari, Soldanesti and Floresti.

Initially, after the project’s implementation, about 77,000 people will benefit from a common solid waste management system. Subsequently, the expansion of the project is expected as to cover the needs of 200,000 people in the three rayons.