Took place the third workshop entitled ‘Regional Sector Planning in local and regional road infrastructure (RLR) in North Development Region’, strategic planning activity to identify improvement needs of regional and local roads.

The workshop that was moderated by Ala Cucu, specialist in strategic issues and  planning at North Regional Development Agency, was divided into five sessions, during which, in the context of regional planning and programming, the participants discussed on the desired level of sector development until 2020, including (i) presentation, definition and approval of national and regional objectives in the RLR; (ii) presentation, formulation and approval of RLR sector development vision until 2020; (iii) presentation and approval of the methodological approach, cells and RLR corridors; (iv) assessment and risks mitigation in the RLR sector. Also, there have been presented social and gender issues in the RLR.

The workshop was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure, State Road Administration, NRD Rayon councils, regional sector working group members of the NDR, North RDA specialists, MLPS etc.

Project records will be the final outcome of sector regional planning workshops, prepared to be submitted to EU funds and submitted to interested donors.

Regional sector programming in RLR infrastructure is a participatory process for planning and programming capacity building in the RDN, which will ensure the development of investment projects.

Since 2012, there are organized such workshops in three intervention areas in the North Development Region (NDR): Water supply and sanitation (WSS), Solid waste management (SWM) and energy efficiency (EE). Beginning with 2014 it will be organized similar workshops in regional planning in the regional and local roads (RLR). For the four sectors there were created by a working group (WG) each. Together with specialists from the North RDA, national and international experts, the WG will participate in the drafting of integrated regional sector plans. This process will be completed by the end of 2015.

North, Centre and South Development Regions were since 2010, actively involved in the initial processes of regional development, led by the Regional Development Councils (RDCs) and RDAs. This took place within a regional policy developed by MRDC.

Regional sector planning workshops are held with the financial support of the European Union provided through the project ‘Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova’, managed by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ. The overall objective is to improve local public services in villages and towns in the Republic of Moldova. The main beneficiary of the project is the MRDC, Agencies and Regional Development Councils (RDAs & RDCs), communities from development regions of the country.