Good news for residents of 27 localities from Soldanesti and Rezina rayons. Villagers will not throw waste where they can, but it will be stored in special bins. The project is a pilot one and was funded by the German government and local authorities.

Once they have collected waste for years in unauthorized dumpsites, residents of 27 villages received new bins. Thus, paper, glass, plastic and metal will go in separate containers. Local authorities have arranged over 200 platforms, bought cars and recycling equipment.

Alexandru Reliţchi, President of Soldanesti rayon: ‘It is clear that this project should be continued, in 2015 will be built the main polygon for waste collection, until then we have a temporary one’.

Authorities say they will not stop here. It follows to be built two recycling centers and a waste management center.’

Iurie Leanca, Prime Minister :’It is an event that I enjoy myself, is an element of modernization which takes us closer to Europe and bring Europe to us’.

Villagers will have to pay for the new service 8 lei per month, while those in cities 10 lei. For the implementation of this project, the German Government has allocated EUR 2.2 million. More than EUR 10 thousand came from local authorities.

Ulrike Knotz, German Ambassador to Moldova: ‘We hope this project will improve waste management, and regional cooperation’

According to authorities from the project will benefit about 45,000 people in Soldanesti and Rezina rayons.