Representatives of the Ministry of Regional Development and Constructions (MRDC), Regional Development Agencies (RDAs) and the Ministry of Finance, Public Procurement Agency, Chamber of Commerce and Industry participated, from 23 to 28 November 2014, in a study visit to Poland in public procurement. The study visit was financially supported and organized by the German Development Cooperation through GIZ, the project ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’ in partnership with INTL Institute in Warsaw.

The 8 participants in the study visit met with responsible persons for the management of public procurement procedures from the Polish Ministry of Development and Infrastructure and the Ministry of Economy. However, the delegation met with representatives of companies that have experience in organizing tenders for large infrastructure projects, including with financing of the European Union, attended by local authorities.

Among the topics covered are: the needs and benefits of clustering, associations of companies to participate in tenders, procurement and financial procedures, counselling of private sector and contracting authorities, communication in the procurement process, the connection to the EU Directives in the field.

Travel programme included a visit to the city of Łódź, where the Moldovan delegation discussed with local authorities and learned more about the projects revitalized from European Union’s sources.

‘The study visit made us familiar with the public procurement system in Poland and the European Union. We were shown how to solve complaints filed within public procurement procedures. We understood that we have much to learn’, according to the head of Financial and Procurement Section of North Regional Development Agency, Svetlana Bazantin.

Within GIZ project ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’, the financial support is provided through the Regional Development Agencies responsible for ensuring a transparent public procurement process, according to national standards.

During October-November 2014, there were by three training sessions in the three development regions (North, Centre and South), which was attended by representatives of small and medium sized enterprises, in order to be able present more professional and competitive bids in public procurements carried out by Regional Development Agencies.

GIZ organized in August 2013 an advanced training in public procurement for its partners – MRDC and RDAs. Annually, a Regional Development Agency manages about 40 public procurement procedures, from tender announcement to the final acceptance. Procurements take place both from public money, through the National Regional Development Fund and from external sources, such as those allocated by the German Government.

In December 2013, GIZ has supported the participation of MRDC and NIC representatives to Brussels in ‘Conference on anti-corruption and anti-fraud measures in relation to the use of European structural and investment funds’. The event was organized by the European Commission, in partnership with Transparency International.

The project is implemented by GIZ and is financially supported by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania and the European Union.