A group of specialists from the Ministry of Regional Development and Construction (MRDC), Regional Development Agency Center (RDA Center) and advisors from the German Development Cooperation through GIZ participate in a two day workshop on establishing the monitoring and evaluation results-based system within two regional projects for Energy Efficiency improvements in regional hospitals Orhei and Nisporeni, respectively, with funding from the German Development Cooperation through GIZ.

The meeting was attended by specialists from strategic planning, project management, public relations and procurement Sections within the agency, which, together with GIZ advisors have proposed to review the results-based monitoring system for projects in Energy Efficiency (EE). It was also discussed the roles and responsibilities in the implementation of the projects mentioned above.

During the working process, there has been taken as an example the implementation mechanism of the 5 pilot projects within the project ‘Modernization of local public services in the Republic of Moldova’. This mechanism is based on the ‘Pentagon’ model, which includes the following steps: (1) integrated planning and programming at the local level; (2) improve cooperation between local public administrations (LPAs); (3) investments in infrastructure optimisation for local public services delivery; (4) LPAs and service providers capacity building; (5) population’s mobilisation and awareness raising.

Drafting logical framework for each of the two projects and clarification of roles and responsibilities will ensure the long-term effectiveness of these investments.

Finally, the aim is for the agency to establish a results-based monitoring system (RBM) for all infrastructure projects financed by the German Investment Fund.